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ECSE-PBC Governance CPD Webinar Series

Succession Planning: Developing Leadership for a Sustainable Future

Summary/Purpose: One of the key challenges facing Caribbean organizations is ensuring that they have the human capital, to ensure effective performance that will support the Board to deliver ongoing sustainable success.

It is important to review your leadership team to assess whether you have the right all round capabilities, particularly for the CEO or equivalent, who is required to lead the organization in accordance with its strategic vision.

Creating a balanced, creative and entrepreneurial Board requires a considerable degree of forward planning and talent management. Equally the board of directors will need regular reviews and periodic refresh to ensure that the mix of skills and attributes reflects the strategic vision and the constantly changing environment in which business operates.

Effective performance of a board requires appropriate leadership, composition and independence to optimise its ability to deliver informed decision making and clarity on risks. An effective board can lead the organization forward into an uncertain future with confidence.

Content: In this engaging and interactive session, we will explore the factors for consideration when evaluating whether the CEO may need to be replaced, and the mechanics for doing so. A business will not be sustainable if it is saddled with a CEO that is no longer a good fit for the organization. We explore best practices for dealing with this extremely sensitive, people related problem.

The Nominating Committee is a key board committee, not a poor cousin, as it is tasked with ensuring that the board has the appropriate composition for leading the organization in a world of VUCA – volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.

We explore the role and function of the Nominating Committee in relation to board succession, and specifically areas they need to consider, such as independence of mind and behaviour, and ensuring the right mix of skills. We look at the purpose and value of the board skills matrix and consider how to determine what types of skills and attributes should be included.

We will also look at the mechanics of board director succession, such as how to replace a vacancy on the existing board, including adherence to term limits/fixed terms. Ideas on how to create a framework that ensures objective recruitment of individuals with the right skills and attributes and delivers all diversities, particularly cognitive diversity.

An effective Nominating Committee negates the need for and influence of shadow directors, which is problematic in relation to accountability and decision making.

Benefits: Participants will gain a strong appreciation of what succession planning should look like at the apex of their organization. Understand what the right questions are to ask to assess whether the existing leadership is fit for purpose, and what to do when changes are necessary.

Delegates will be better informed and more skilled regarding the role and value of the Board Nominating Committee and see the significance of creating a framework that ensures the right people are appointed at the right time.

All the learning will support every director and board to lead their organization forward to a sustainable future.

Who should attend: Board chairs, company directors, company secretaries, chief executives and any executive working with or supporting the board.

Registration Fees:
EC$295 (US$110) payable to the Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange Ltd by Credit Card, Wire Transfer or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) on or before Friday 16 February 2024, to confirm participation.

Discounted Rate for ECSE Affiliates and CGIC Members – EC$270 (US$100)
(CGIC members must include their membership number to benefit from this discount)

Registration: The webinar will be delivered on February 21, 2024, at 9AM AST (UTC-4). To register click here

Your Facilitator:

Sharon Constançon

Sharon, who is based in the UK, is a Chartered Governance Professional and has been a Fellow or Associate of the UK Chartered Governance Institute for over 40 years.

Sharon is also a Chartered Director of the Institute of Directors and holds an MBA and several Financial Services and Regulatory qualifications.

She is on the Court of the Worshipful Company of Chartered Secretaries and has chaired their Membership Committee and is on the Court (NED). She is the Chairman and acting CEO of the South African Chamber of Commerce in the UK and Chairs the Council of Foreign Chambers in the UK.

She is CEO of the Genius Boards governance group of companies and runs foreign exchange risk management services to global corporates that trade internationally.

Sharon listed her first company on the Stock Exchange and is responsible for the creation of a number of complex “software as a service – SaaS” online products address forex risk, governance effectiveness, risk assessment and compliance evidence libraries.

She has lectured for four years for the final Master’s Level 7 exam for the Chartered Governance Institute on Boardroom Dynamics and lectures on Risk Management for the Corporate Governance Institute for their Non-Executive program.
Sharon has authored many pieces on governance focusing on the presence, impact and management of boardroom dynamics, speaks at international conferences, leads on governance webinars and runs workshops and case studies to support turnaround governance learning.

(27) Sharon Constançon CDir MBA FCG | LinkedIn
Genius Boards