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ECSE-PBC Governance CPD Webinar Series

AI Governance 101 – Oversight of Artificial Intelligence within the Organization

Summary/Purpose: It is hard to avoid the ubiquitous presence of artificial intelligence (AI) and the increasing influence it has on so many aspects of our lives. This is never truer than the potential impact of AI across all aspects of an organization’s operations, affecting all sectors and sizes and types of companies. The impact of AI will be unique to every organization, but its presence cannot be ignored. Organizations and bodies that fail to embrace AI will inevitably fall behind their competitors and fail to serve their stakeholders effectively.

Understanding AI is therefore critical – board members and executives need to educate themselves about AI and what it can do for their organizations. What are the benefits of AI, how can it be applied to optimize processes, what are the potential threats and how can we overcome them? Developing a risk governance framework that ensures the organization takes full advantage of AI technology whilst mitigating the potential pitfalls is key, and board members in their oversight capacity should gain assurance in that regard.

Equally board members need to understand not just how AI is integrated across the organization, but how AI can impact the work of the board itself, for example through the provision of more comprehensive and accurate data that can inform the board’s decision-making processes.

Content: In this engaging and interactive session, we will provide an overview of AI from a governance perspective, explaining what AI is and how it is impacting organizations and the work of the board, recognizing that board members need not be subject matter experts, but conversant enough to ask the right questions to gain assurance that management has it in hand. In this respect we will Identify some key questions that board members should ask to gain the level of assurance that will help them satisfy their duty to provide oversight.

It is important to get a balanced view of AI in terms of its benefits and the opportunities for its application to the work of the board. This session will provide some examples of how it can optimise board processes including the facilitation of board materials and logistics that can streamline the work of the board. The opportunities presented by AI are extensive, but using AI is not without risk. For example, using AI raises concerns of data privacy and cyber security. We consider the elements of a risk governance framework and internal control that can help alleviate some of these concerns, and thereby harness the potential of AI while mitigating potential pitfalls and ensuring its responsible and ethical use.

Benefits: Participants will gain a sound understanding of what AI involves and an appreciation of the potential opportunities it presents to their organization. They will get some useful pointers on how to apply and integrate AI into their organization, whilst having the risk awareness to do so in a responsible and ethical manner.

Who should attend: Board chairs, company directors, company secretaries, chief executives and any executive working with or supporting the board, as well as Chief Technology Officers, Chief Information Officers or equivalent.

Registration Fees:
EC$295 (US$110) payable to the Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange Ltd by Credit Card, Wire Transfer or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) on or before Friday 10 May 2024, to confirm participation.

Discounted Rate for ECSE Affiliates and CGIC Members – EC$270 (US$100)
(CGIC members must include their membership number to benefit from this discount)

Registration: The webinar will be delivered on May 15, 2024, at 9:00am to 10:30am (UTC-4). To register click here

Your Facilitator:

Richard Barber ICD.D, GPC.D
CEO, Mind Tech Group, Toronto, San Francisco

Richard is a C-Suite Growth Leader and Board Director with 25 years of leading companies in domestic and international marketplaces. Richard has both a science/technical and business management background which provides a unique combination to help organizations create and execute growth strategy while balancing risk. A strategist and change agent providing strategic direction, diverse perspectives and ensuring DEI. Richard is currently the CEO of Mind Tech Group which provides consulting to Board of Directors and Senior Management for the Governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and related Training, Recruiting and Risk Management. Richard’s previous experience includes C-Suite Sales & Marketing, General Management, P&L, and Operations at BridgePoint Financial, Computershare, Rogers, Celestica, Nortel, and IBM. Richard has served on 4 Boards since 2013 and currently serves on the Canadian Professional Sales Association and the Governance Professionals of Canada. Previously, Richard served on the Board of Scientists in School, which is one of Canada’s largest Science Education charities for children. Richard also served on a Toronto Chapter of the Boys & Girls Club including the role of Vice Chair (VP). Richards Board/Committee Experience includes Human Resources & Governance, Board Nomination, Board Secretary, Audit & Risk, and Fundraising