CPD Webinar Series – The Agile Board

ECSE-PBC Governance CPD Webinar Series
The Agile Board
Summary/Purpose: A board is only as good as the information and data it receives. Poor information flows lead to poor quality meetings which leads to poor quality decisions. It is therefore critical to ensure that the information provided to the board is fit for purpose.
A common complaint amongst board members is that the information in the board pack does not allow them to fulfil their fiduciary duty of making well informed decisions, because it is too detailed or not detailed enough, too technical or too basic, or incomplete; inaccurate or delivered too late.
Getting the balance of right content, right format and right time is a valuable exercise that can transform boards to help them adopt rigorous challenge, enable robust discussions and consider alternative options, and ultimately make the board more agile in how it serves the organization.
Content: This session will cover:
How can Directors determine what they want and information, data and pre-knowledge and ongoing knowledge on projects?
Role of the Company Secretary, Governance or Board support team in ensuring Directors receive appropriate packs.
Approaches and techniques for compiling and delivering high quality board packs.
How board reports should be structured and formatted to optimise analysis and decision-making
Coaching presenters to the board meeting to optimize valuable board time
The role of the Chair and the wider board in ensuring the board receives the data needed to make effective decisions and to be agile and responsive.
Considering the Decision-Making Model (All delegates to receive this Model for their use), how can Directors address influences and mitigate their impact, to make the right decisions.
The Board needs to be agile in fixing wrong decisions – learn these tools to identify a wrong decision and address change.
An agile Board requires regular refresh, competent succession planning, the right culture and quality leadership.
Benefits: Participants will gain a strong appreciation of how to structure the content of board packs for their board, to ensure they receive high quality information to support sound decision making. They will better understand the role of the Chair and the Company Secretary, Governance or Board support team in ensuring Directors receive appropriate packs and be armed with approaches for ensuring that board are effective. Boards exist to make decisions and participants will walk away brimming with ideas and insights to make their board an agile board.
Who should attend: Board chairs, company directors, company secretaries, chief executives and any executive working with or supporting the board, and those who wish to empower their Board with sound decision making competencies.
Registration: The webinar will be delivered on Wednesday March 5, at 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM (UTC-4).
Fees: A Registration Fee of EC$295 (US$110) per participant is payable to the Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange Ltd by Credit Card, Wire Transfer or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) by 28th February 2025.
Discounted Rate for ECSE Affiliates and CGIC Members – EC$270 (US$100)
(CGIC members must include their membership number to benefit from this discount)
To register, click here:
Your Facilitator:

Sharon Constançon is an entrepreneur with extensive experience in governance, foreign exchange treasury, and membership organisations.
She holds an MBA, is a Chartered Director, Chartered Secretary, and a Chartered Member of CISI, with over 40 years of experience in various sectors.
Sharon listed her first business on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in the late 1990s and served as the Executive Chairman of the South African Chamber of Commerce until December 2024. She is the CEO of the Genius Group and Valufin, where she manages forex for global companies.
She is known for her unique style of board performance reviews, identifying correlations between behaviours and communication that impact board performance. Sharon helps directors understand the consequences of their actions, driving improved board performance6.
She is passionate about sharing knowledge and upskilling others, delivering training on leadership, strategy, risk, and governance; she enjoys lecturing, running training courses, and speaking at conferences on boardroom dynamics.
Sharon is recognised for her high IQ and EQ, ability to handle complex issues, and success as a mediator, coach, and mentor to senior leaders.
She thrives on variety and diversity, serving on various committees and boards, including the Worshipful Company of Chartered Secretaries and the Advisory Board of the South African Chamber of Commerce.